Brazil VPS Hosting

Brazil Dedicated Server

Brazil Dedicated Server can be described as a single machine in a certain network used for meeting the requirements of that particular network. Web servers are programs that use HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol for serving the files forming web pages for the users. Dedicated appliances and computers can be considered web servers as they respond to the requests of users. The requests of the users are forwarded by the HTTP clients on their machines or computers. Networks require machines or computers for communicating with other computers. This is the case where Brazil Dedicated and Brazil VPS Server hosting solutions come into effective play.

Processor / Cores / Threads / RAM / Space
Brazil VPS Server X : 1 Core, 1 GB RAM, 30 GB HDD, 1000 GB Bandwidth, KVM VPS
Brazil VPS Server Y : 2 Core, 2 GB RAM, 60 GB HDD, 1000 GB Bandwidth, KVM VPS
Brazil VPS Server Z : 4 Core, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB HDD, 2000 GB Bandwidth, KVM VPS
Brazil VPS Server Custom (Upto 4 Core, Upto 16 GB RAM, Upto 300 GB HDD)

Not all hosting servers can work as dedicated servers. There are certain networks where a single computer can also perform various other functions apart from serving as a hosting server. To be more specific. Servers rented by businesses or individuals for their very own exclusive use are dedicated servers. These are hosted in a single data center. There are a couple of reasons why businesses or individuals rent Brazil dedicated server from hosting companies. The first reason is for hosting a resource-intensive and high-traffic site or for hosting a resource-intensive and high-traffic application.

Reasons to Use Brazil Dedicated Server

When it comes to using Brazil VPS there are a number of benefits to speak about. These include security, reliability, control and flexibility. Dedicated servers offer more control which further allows the users to install and even configure software programs of. Their choice or the ones that businesses require for running in the most effective manner. This means that the users of a Brazil dedicated server have the freedom of running the services they require. They even have complete flexibility in using their servers the way they want.

One of the best things about dedicated servers is that. They can be dedicated to one single task such as being used as web server. They can even be used as application servers, file servers, game servers. Rather database servers or anything other server the user requires. Rather users have complete freedom of using the servers the way. They want while utilizing the complete resources and hardware of the servers for achieving maximum performance. Dedicated servers from Onlive Server come loaded with resources and hardware and. They can go a long way in serving the requirements of the users.

Dedicated Servers are Required by Growing Businesses

Growth in business means growth in traffic on the business website. With an increase in the volume of transactions of a business. Rather There is also an increase in the load exerted on the server. Websites with ever-increase traffic need to strain their web hosting solutions into shared server hosting. But, very soon, both the site and the other websites being hosted on the same server start slowing down and even freezing. This mainly happens because the server potential in exceeded.

Though it might be a little expensive for you to host your site on a Brazil dedicated server, the advantage is that you will not have to share the resources and the hardware of the server with your competitors. This brings you more uptime and less downtime and even improves the performance of your site. You have the freedom of using the entire server for handling traffic and managing your site.


One of the most specific advantages of a Brazil dedicated server is that it ensures that all third party functionalities do not have an influence on the services of the user. As has already been said earlier that dedicated server hosting. Might be more expensive than shared server hosting or VPS server hosting. But the price means that you have more flexibility and control on the server and thus on your business as well.